Global Configuration

Save time by making some configurations global.

Like many tools, Kerbi creates a small config file in your home directory where it can read/write configurations you want applied for every command.

The Config File

The config file itself is located at $HOME/.kerbi/config.json. If it does not exist, Kerbi will create it when it needs it. You can delete it without crashing Kerbi. To output its exact location, run:

$ kerbi config location

Using the CLI

The two main things you will want to do are set configurations and view the compiled configuration. To do these, read up on the Config Command Group. In summary:

Viewing compiled configuration:

$ kerbi config show
load-defaults: true
output-format: yaml
state-backend: configmap
k8s-auth-type: kube-config
kube-config-path: null
kube-config-path: null

Updating attributes:

$ kerbi config set output-format json

The attributes you can configure globally are a subset of the flag-style options available to commands:

output-format          # In what format resulting data should be printed                                                   # Possible values: yaml, json, table
load-defaults          # Whether or not to automatically load values.yaml.
state-backend          # Type of persistent store to read/write this release's state.                                                   # Possible values: configmap, secret
k8s-auth-type          # Kubernetes cluster authentication type. Uses kube-config if unspecified.                                                   # Possible values: kube-config, in-cluster, token
kube-config-path       # Path to your kube-config file. Uses ~/.kube/config if unspecified.
kube-config-context    # Context to use in your kube config. Uses current context if unspecified.

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